Sunday, July 6, 2008

£12 million Liverpool duo to make way for £18 million pair !

Liverpool duo Steve Finnan and Scott Carson could be making exits from Anfield this Summer in order to make way for Gareth Barry and Diego Cavalierei.

Gareth Barry's move to Liverpool is looking ever likelier as the England international was fined and asked to sit out of preseason because of his poor media relations over the past few weeks. Steve Finnan may be used in a player plus cash deal with Aston Villa in order to secure the signature of the 27 year old.

Diego Cavalieri is another player who may be brought in this Summer, as back up for Pepe Reina. With the introduction of the £3 million Brazilian shot stopper that will almost certainly see the end of Scott Carson's time at Anfield. Premier League new boys Stoke City are thought to have an interest in signing the previously £10 million rated keeper.

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