Sunday, June 8, 2008

United may sack troubled midfielder

Newcastle United are today considering sacking midfielder Joey Barton unless he takes a 50% pay-cut. The troubled Barton has sentenced to six months in jail after been found guilty of assault and now the club want to take actions.

The former Manchester City star only moved to St James' last summer for a fee believed to be about £5 million. He is currently on £55,000 a week and the club want to cut his wages to £22,500 or else they will sack to England international.

I personally would be surprised if Newcstle stuck by Barton. He is simply uncontrollable and I have no doubts any other Premier League club would sack him immediately. Barton doesn't deserve to be earning anything like he is at the moment and I really hope Kevin Keegan gets rid of him.

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