Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wenger : £14 million Flamini replacement "likely to sign" !

Arsene Wenger has told French media source Telefoot that a deal for Samir Nasri is "likely to happen", but if it does, "it will be before the start of the European Championship."

Arsenal have been on the look out for possible midfield targets as replacements for Mathieu Flamini and the rumoured exit of Alexander Hleb. The London club have been linked with Werder Bremen's Diego, but it appears now as though Marseille play maker, Samir Nasri, will be the Gunners' first introduction this Summer.

It is thought that Arsene Wenger will have to splash out up to £14 million on the French international but we have learnt by now that the Frenchman knows a good buy when he sees one.

Nasri has impressed immensely on the European stage in the past few seasons and it will be intriguing to see how he gets on in the Premier League should he complete his move to Arsenal this Summer.

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